Painter of fine cats, dogs & whimsy animals
After 40 years in the computer field, I retired and began painting. After five years of botanical art, I transitioned to painting cats because I have a love affair with cats, from young to old and feral to domestic. I am drawn to a cat’s independent attitude and playfulness and work to capture those characteristics in my art.
Painting cats began in 2014 when I painted 12 shelter cats from Denver Dumb Friends Animal Shelter as part of a class project. These paintings are now on view at Broadview Animal Clinic in Denver. You can see them at Cat Portraits along with the many custom cat portraits I have done. I also paint custom Dog Portraits.
My art explores and celebrates all cats – realistically, abstractly and whimsically. Cats present endless possibilities for artistic expression, from a thought-provoking portrait to silly, make-you-laugh-till-you-cry antics. Painting whimsical cats led me to painting whimsical dogs and ravens. It is the silliness of these paintings that can make you smile.
I volunteer at DFL working with cats in the Behavior program. I have five shelter cats, ages 14 (blind), 14 (and scared of everything), 15 1/2 (black) and 17 1/2 (red tabby) and 5 (blind with no eyes). I just love cats!